Her Closet Conversations

Sarah a Woman of Faith

Alena Season 1 Episode 3

Alena talks to us about Sarah and how she teaches us to trust God no matter how the circumstances look.

 She answers the question for the week and shares with us how she is still struggling to trust God due to circumstances.
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Alena  0:13  
Hi, in this season of her closet conversations, we'll be talking about five women of the Bible and how we can relate to these women in our everyday life. closet conversations is our intimate space, we don't have to hide. It's a place where we inspire women of faith like yourself, to have those conversations that we're afraid to discuss openly. This week, we are meeting Sarah, a woman of great faith. I'm Alena, the creator of her alabaster, a wife and a mother. But more importantly, a woman God has on a journey called life, and well being to encourage women through life experiences of myself and other women. So please join me every Sunday, as we have candid conversations about life in our personal experiences, and how we can have the courage to be vulnerable, facing it while God unfolds our purpose. But before we get into that, here's my response to the question of the week. And if you missed it, I asked, Is your expectations of God based on your current circumstances? Yes, I have placed my circumstances of love God and His ability at times. This has been a disappointment for me when I look back and realize that God has never failed me. Can you think of a time he has failed you? Me either. I know that my current circumstances has nothing to do with what God can do. However, I found, when in the middle of a difficult time when I pray to God about a situation my expectations is overshadowed by my circumstances. After having my daughter I was content with her. I felt blessed that God had given me a perfectly healthy daughter. But a few years ago, God gave me a name. Kadish, Luke. Never had he done that before. Kadish means wilderness and Luke means light. Kadish, Luke would bring light to a wilderness. And for me, I was excited for a time. I told everybody, all of my family, but I hadn't seen a menstrual cycle since having my daughter. So I thought, would this be a miracle glad we performed to bring this baby. The possibilities were slim as my husband was still working overseas. But I told him and he said, Okay, let's go and see a specialist. But the timing never worked out. Oh, did I tell you, I went and bought the cutest plaid, blue shirt and khaki pants set for a three-month-old baby boy from Carter's and place it in my closet? I mean, I didn't want anyone thinking I was a little off. And no, I am not pregnant, before you get too excited. It was so precious. And I needed it to be in a space that I could see it and remember God's goodness, if he had it once, he could do it again. But the facts are, that's been over four years ago. And now I've started to believe the circumstances about to be 42. overweight. My husband does not want any more kids. And to be transparent. I've said as his wife, I will follow my husband. Because fair say to me, if it doesn't happen, we can use him as a scapegoat. Plus, I'm getting old, it will be too much. My current circumstances are I was sharing my expectations of what can do because I'm looking at what I can see. If there's something you ask God for right now that you might have given up on because of how it looks. Not the fact that nothing is impossible with God. Pray for me, y'all. This week, we get to make Sarah a woman of faith. Maybe she can teach us how to have a little bit more.

Unknown Speaker  4:04  
Okay, let's get into it. If you don't know the story, I'm going to tell it in my fashion, but you can read it in Genesis chapters 12 through 21. Our main characters are Abraham and his wife, Sarah, we have some off characters, but we're not going to focus on those. Abraham had a wife named Sarah and God told Abraham, he would give his seed all the land that his eyes could see, as Abraham was building an alternate God. But a severe recession came but they called it a famine back in the day. So Abraham and his wife Sarah went to Egypt. And as they got close, he said to his wife, you are beautiful, darling. And I don't want any problems. So we're gonna say you're my sister, wasn't a trifle. But anyway, Sarah like a rider she was agreed. When they arrived. One of our princesses saw her And it was like, she has to go to the palace and exchange a room. He got all kinds of animals, cows, and sheep. How many y'all know? God does not like ugly? Pharaoh's whole house got sick. And God showed them that they were married. What kind of foolishness? Pharaoh was so mad, he told him to get the hell out of Egypt. In fact, he was so mad that all the gifts, Abraham God, he was able to take with him talk about make out like a bandit. So they travel some more and Abraham acquired more wealth. God told Abraham after there was a situation about a line, and it was squabbling over you have too much cheap I have to my sheep to look foreign so his eyes could see, and he would give it to his children. Abraham said, God, I'm not sure if you forgot. But how is this gonna happen? How have any kids now his life, Sarah, in all of her wisdom, told her husband to sleep with the maid couldn't be me. So he could have heard, and guess what? After made slapping him, she had a baby boy at that. And then Sarah had the nerve to get jealous. See what happens when you do smarter for yourself. Then had the nerve without a room, he was the goddess of her stress, and to get rid of the woman and her child. Now, this is the good part. when Abraham was 9090, your God told him, I am great. If I said you will have a family you will. This is my covenant with you. Listening, if God says that you are no longer Abraham, but Abraham, the father of nations. And Sarah, her name is Sarah. Now, she will create a nation at 90 years old. Side note. This is where circumcision came in for males today. Sarah laughed at this. Who in their right mind believes that they will have a baby at 90? Not me for sure. Well, Abraham tried that same scam again with Sarah, not being his wife, and got ran out of town. almost lost his life too. But God visited Sarah at the age of 90. And just as he said he would Sarah gave Abraham a son. Sarah said, God, has blessed me with laughter. All who hear this? Who would have thought that I would one day nurse a baby? yet here I am. Given an old man a son and his allege, wow, again, go read it for yourself. Because this is my short version. That was a lot to take in Sarah and Abraham. They were really gangsters. When I look at Sarah, though, she gives me hope.

Alena  8:07  
What about you? Sarah is a definition of not looking at your current situation. In fact, had that been in our time, we probably have said her getting pregnant at that age. One, she needed to be locked away because she was delusional, or he would kill him. Or God is exceptional. He can bring things we have never thought imaginable. How many times do you look at your circumstances? Because I'm sure Sarah was frustrated. We knew she was beautiful. And had Pharaohs running behind her plus, her husband had wealth. Yet all of that couldn't give her a child. Why does God use things that are out of our control to show us how great and limitless he is? I mean to the person who wants to finish school, just pay their rent or mortgage, get out of debt, have that baby, get married, write a book or create a business. I mean, I could go on and on. How do you not let your circumstances overshadow what you're expecting God to do? And no study can. I'll tell you his word, his promises. God isn't fickle. Like us. He's a promise keeper. So anytime you feel your expectation of God being lowered, remember, he allowed a 90-year-old woman to have a son. In the words of Sarah, she knew the one who promised her was faithful to His word and that my friend, is God. So to you and me are God is great. When you believe he has forgotten you, or your situation is getting the best of you. Raise your expectations. Remember, God keeps the birds of the air and the grass that we walk on. What more will he do for you I terribly In the impossible, I don't know about you, but I'm choosing to believe that God is working things out for my good because I love him, and you should too. So here's our question for the week. What type of friends are you? I'll give my response next week, but I would love to hear yours. We'll be meeting Ruth. Next weekend, we'll have a special guest. I'm excited. Don't forget the new podcast drop every Sunday on Apple, Spotify and amazon music. You can also find our Instagram page at her closet conversations and me at her alabaster. Please leave a review if you've enjoyed today's episode, and don't forget to like, subscribe and share. Until next week. Keep faking it

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